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1970 Hasselblad 500EL SLR Medium Format Roll Film Camera Body

1970 Hasselblad 500EL SLR Medium Format Roll Film Camera Body


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1970 Hasselblad 500EL SLR Medium Format Roll Film Camera Body

This is a very nice (USE 15546) 1970 Hasselblad 500EL SLR Professional Medium Format Roll Film  Camera Body, Winder and Waist Level Finder. Made in Göteborg, Sweden, by Victor Hasselblad Aktiebolag.

Known for their high quality, these are super V-system cameras where most of the parts are interchangeable, including the lens, prism/finder, and film back.

The Hasselblad 500EL’s main claim to fame is that a modified version of this camera was used in the Apollo 11 space programme; producing the, now iconic, images of man’s first successful moon landing, including Neil Armstrong’s footprint and the Stars and Stripes U.S.A flag.

This example is in extremely good condition, 95% ++, with just a few minor marks on the tripod mount that do not go through the original paint finish. The camera body leatherette is in superb condition, showing minor shrinkage and no torn or bare patches. Similarly, the lens throat shows no paint loss to the antiglare matt black paint.

Moving to the focal plane, the barn door shutters show no paint loss or scratches and similarly, the film gate area shows minimal signs of a magazine being removed or replaced. Being hypercritical, I feel I must mention that the view screen carries a few minor scratches and dust. In all, it appears that during the past 49 years this camera has seen very little use.

Have a look at the actual camera in the following video: 

The body is metal and, as standard, required two 3volt Ni-Cad batteries (or modern equivalent) to drive the motor. However, this one carries an expensive adaptor to allow a pair of CR-P2 to be used. The benefits of which are high torque, high battery life and longevity.

You can read more about the camera technical information by clicking on the following link for a pdf specification for the Hasselblad 500ELM, which is almost the same specification as the EL, where M stands for ‘Modified’.

Summary Specification

Camera body made: USE 15546- translates, from the US in Hasselblad’s code “VHPICTURES,” as 1970, the third letter ‘E’ indicates that it’s an EL model):
Film: 120 roll film. Picture size 6x6cm
Speed: 1 to 1/500

Lens: Not included.
Most Leaf shutter model Carl Zeiss lenses can be attached to the camera if it has a bayonet mount attachment e.g. s C, CB, CFi/CFE series lenses, including Distagon, Planar, Biogon, Sonnar type lenses, with various focal lengths, with Compur shutter for 500 series. The most popular lens is the Carl Zeiss Planar 80-millimeter f/2.8

Viewfinder: waist level with a hood which opens via a button on top of the camera. It comprises a highly quality Fresnel lens with a cross in the middle to aid perspective

L O T selector lever: T: time exposure, O: speed, L: shutter release lock on the right lower side of the camera

Motor drive settings: dial on the right side of the camera
O = Single shot normal mode
S = mirror pre-release
A = hold shutter button down for continual motor-drive mode
AS = continual motor drive + mirror held up between frames
SR = mirror pre-release and mirror held up after shutter release

Remote release socket using the DIN socket

Shutter: Synchro-Compur, central leaf shutter in the lens
Shutter Speed: set with a ring scale located on the lens

Motor drive can work with other batteries using a suitable adapter (included for use of CR-P2 batteries) or mains, with suitable adapters (mains adapter is not included), via the DIN socket.

Back cover: an interchangeable film magazine

Film loading: Pull-out the film loading part from the camera via turning the un-lock lever on left side of the magazine; load the film to take-up spool; film advance pop-up lever on the right side of the magazine, turn it until zero appears in the frame counter window

Tripod socket 1/4 inch
Strap buttons

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